About the Study

Tthe study evaluate the efficacy and safety of EUS-RFA using Habib EUS-RFA catheter with a prospective randomised trial in patients with inoperable PDAC.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Unilateral or bilateral asymmetric otosclerosis
  • Conductive hearing loss of at least 30 dB with an average loss Rinne means greater than or equal to 20 dB
  • Normal tympanum

Exclusion Criteria

  • Far advanced otosclerosis defined as less than 95dB air conduction at all frequencies or lower bone conduction 55dB on at least one frequency
  • Cochlear otosclerosis objectified on the temporal bones Ct-scan
  • Others clinical or radiological diagnostics: cholesteatoma, tympanic membrane perforation, geyser's syndrome, ossicular dislocation, ossicular malformation, tympanosclerosis.

Study Team

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